dimanche 26 mai 2019

5 things to know before creating mobile apps

Mobile phone applications are increasingly being used every day. Some research on the number of mobile phone users in 2015 found that close to 1.9 billion people worldwide are using smartphones, but this has become a source of profit for many programmers .This article we will list 5 thing should know before creating  mobile apps , trade and profit through.

 5 things to know before creating mobile apps

 5 things to know before creating mobile apps  

1. Make the idea special:

In order to succeed in any public thing should choose a special idea and that people need to, so you should choose the idea of ​​a special application needed by people, whether educational or recreational or any other field, whatever, but must be an attractive idea and new, it is known that the idea is The basis of the project or application is through which you earn the profit after the implementation of the right way and sophisticated, so you must take your time thinking about the idea you can build a good application needs people so as not to ignore you and move to another application with a more unique idea than you, and in the next lines We will help you to get closer to his attractive idea.
There is a concept in marketing called the concept of "spend and spend", either it is the behavior that a person does when waiting for something or when he is in the transport or other means of waiting multiple then resort to use the mobile phone without reason to break the burden, but the whole goal of This is the time you go through so it uses the phone for no reason. You can make some easy and simple mobile applications for people to use during their time of entertainment and break the boredom. When looking for the reason for smart phones, 68% of Emiratis and 64 % Of Saudis and 61% of Egyptians use it There are some people who like to read articles or magazines or learn English. You can use this to put a certain number of articles in a field so that people can benefit from it. Develop a simplified course to teach English in a specific application and have multiple ideas about this idea just think .
In the inventory of some statistics, it was found that 52% of Egyptians and Saudis and 57% of Emiratis used mobile phone applications to get some answers to their questions or to know some information or to teach English language such as in the application of Doulingo language education which was famous quickly, and applications of general questions such as HBH and other easy applications.

2. Attention to application design:

The most important things that must be taken care of when applying smart phones is the design of the application, and the scientists of psychology in the previous period that the decisions to buy or use smart phone applications is based on the reasons and passion, so often does not think when the user to buy the application, You should follow the behavior of users of applications and gather some important information through your friends, for example, ask them what their favorite applications and why they prefer and how they want the form and design of the application and eventually you will find most of the answers to interest in the design of the application, Designed with great professionalism and even if the content is not very good it attracts people and makes them buy your application, and must move away from tradition.

3. Attention to content not profit:

You should always look at the user's convenience, but you will find many applications now full of ads as if the designers of these applications are only profit and not interested in whether it provides useful content or not, and even if it provides useful content but the application is full of ads will definitely stop users You should not be as interested in the content as you are in the content and good design of the application and be keen to attract as many users as possible and therefore will profit you much more than other applications full of ads.

4. Carefully trust customers:

It is very difficult at the beginning of any project or application to get the confidence of customers or users of your services, so you should be very interested in the content and design as we mentioned before, so that you will receive messages on your email from customers who used this application by chance and liked and used it constantly And then display these messages on your site for the application so that new users or users on the application to these messages and how beautiful and useful and certainly will not leave it, but they will download and use and admiration like what others liked.

5. Application Marketing:

The number of users of social media such as Facebook, Twitter and InStagram in the Arab world from 2015 - 2016 to 21 million users, which was 42 million in 2015 and reached 63 million users in 2016 so the easiest and most secure way to market for your application are social media, But you should initially identify some important and important things that will help you a lot in publishing the application in the right way, namely that you at the beginning to identify the marketing segment that you should target your application, and then receive messages and complaints and respond to the letter welcomed all the messages that come through Users, and finally if Ka You have a good idea and a good application can be created and work this application and to avoid the trouble in programming this application you can go to some programmers who create applications for a sum of money, and the largest platforms that you can communicate with them and turn your idea to the application of smart phones is the platform " Malassab "and then make money through the application after being used by users.

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