mardi 7 mai 2019

Investing in Taiwan (Areas, Strengths, Opportunities)


Taiwan provides an exceptional investment environment through a range of advantages to foreign investors to encourage the presence of foreign investment, which is one of the economic development areas of Taiwan, called the economic miracle due to the recent economic growth. Taiwan is one of the countries of the Asian tigers "Along with Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong, the idea of investing in Taiwan is one of the ideal ideas for material stability.

Taiwan's geographical location: 

Taiwan is an island located in Southeast Asia in the Pacific Ocean. The distance between China and China is about 140 kilometers. Taiwan is made up of several islands. It is an island with a cancerous middle. The elevations are about half the area and are concentrated on the eastern side. A series of mountains along the island. 

Economic situation in Taiwan: 

Taiwan is an economically developed country. The World Bank ranks its economy in 15th place out of the 190 countries in the world in the ranking of business activity reports. Taiwan is one of the world's countries with the highest standard of living due to high output As well as the strengthening of Taiwan's economic and trade relations with various countries of the world and the Taiwan economy is a capitalist economy based on knowledge and innovation through the adoption of advanced technological strategies.

Areas of investment in Taiwan:


Taiwan has a major industrial boom in the development of heavy industries and export processing industries, and has promoted more complex industries such as steel and petrochemical industries, machinery manufacturing machinery and electronic equipment. The food, clothing, textile and electrical materials industries are among Taiwan's most important exports.


Trade is one of the largest development sectors in Taiwan. Taiwan ranks 14th in the field of international trade. China is Taiwan's largest trading partner, with trade growing significantly across the Straits.


Taiwan's service sector currently accounts for more than 70% of GDP, which encourages investment in Taiwan in this sector.

The strengths of Taiwan's investment are: 

  1. A strategic geographical location as Taiwan is the gateway to China and its markets as well as Southeast Asian markets. 
  2. Availability of skilled labor. 
  3. Great economic progress in Taiwan. 
  4. Establishment of free economic zones in Taiwan and their purpose is to establish them as a free trade center in Asia and the Pacific. 
  5. Number of bilateral investment agreements signed by Taiwan with several countries. 
  6. Creating an attractive environment for foreign investors considering investment as one of the factors of economic development. 
  7. Facilitate conditions for investment in Taiwan's free zones.

In the end, it should be noted that Taiwan is one of the countries that has made a remarkable economic transformation. It has made it one of the most important industrial countries in the world. It has been able to benefit from its various resources in real renaissance at all levels. In the experience of a nation and a conscious people of the most successful people.

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