dimanche 19 mai 2019

Investment in Uganda "Pearl of Africa" with mention of advantages, conditions and requirements


A large number of large and small business investors have sought to invest in Uganda and some other African countries for a number of important reasons such as low capital, low taxes, low establishment costs and labor costs, government support and encouragement for foreign investment, And the abundance of investment opportunities available that can be caught to achieve high rates of profits without fierce competition from companies and investors. By simply defining African markets as fertile markets and investing in them is a good option. On our theme for this day, we will focus on investing in Uganda as one of the most attractive African countries for foreign investment at present.

Location and natural resources: 

Uganda is located almost entirely in the Nile Basin, and it owns 45% of the area of ​​Lake Victoria, which is classified as the second largest lake of fresh water in the world, and also characterized by tropical weather Rainy and fertile soil fertile, which means abundance in fish and ability to The production of various agricultural crops throughout the year, which are exported to different countries around the world, and also characterized by the spread of nature reserves, which live the most important and rare animal species, which means that it is a country attractive to tourists interested in land tourism, Lakes and rivers, which means it is a magnet for tourists coming for leisure, as well as there are forests that are extracted timber including, mountains, national parks and other goods and wealth.

The reasons and motives of investing in Uganda: 

Unlike the distinguished geographical location, which can be accessed from all the African and global markets, and unlike the abundance of natural resources that are not available in the most powerful and the best countries in the world, there are other reasons that drive you as an investor to go and started investing in Uganda, ,

1. A predictable environment: 

  • The Ugandan economy is stable at a time when many countries are in a state of instability. 
  • The inflation rate fell very sharply to become a one-digit number, up from 240% in 1988. 
  • The country is experiencing economic growth at an average rate of 6% annually. 

2. A fully liberalized economy: 

  • All sectors are liberal and can be invested. 
  • Freedom in the flow or withdrawal of capital. 
  • Allow foreign ownership of 100%. 

3 - Access to markets: 

  • Uganda has a privileged position in the heart of black Africa, allowing it access to various African markets. 
  • Uganda is a member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), a region with more than 300 million people in 20 countries. 
  • Is a member of the East African Community, which includes Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania and Rwanda. 

4. Strong natural resources: 

  • Precipitation throughout the year, fertile soil and favorable temperatures, allow the cultivation of many organic crops. 
  • Unexploited mineral deposits, tourism opportunities, gold, petroleum, diamonds, zinc and others. 
  • Mountains, forests, natural reserves and others. 

5. Government commitment to the private sector:

  • Policies are formulated between the government and the private sector. 
  • Continuous work on improvement and development of infrastructure and other social services. 

6 - trained manpower: 

  • Graduates annually more than ten thousand students from Ugandan universities are qualified to work in various fields. 
  • Employment quality is one of the most important factors attracting investors and investment in Uganda. 

7. Investment in Uganda is safe: 

  • The Uganda Investment Act of 1991 guarantees investors their full rights. 
  • Uganda is registered in the most important international institutions related to investment. Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency. 
  • Private Investment Corporation. 

8. Investment incentives: 

  • Registered investors as authorized traders to restore value added tax on construction materials designated for the construction of commercial and industrial institutions. 
  • Customs and tax exemptions on the import of plants and machinery. 
  • Customs exemptions on personal luggage and vehicles (owned at least 12 months ago) for all foreign investors coming to Uganda. 
  • Do not impose export taxes. 
  • Exemptions from taxation of foreign loans. 
  • Tax exemptions for some types of companies for 10 years.

There are many investment opportunities in Uganda in many sectors, perhaps the most prominent of these opportunities and sectors, 

  • the agricultural sector in general. 
  • Livestock. Fishing. 
  • Forest and wood production. 
  • Manufacturing. 
  • Mining. 
  • Infrastructure. 
  • Financial Services. 
  • Tourism. 
  • Construction and reconstruction. 
  • Printing and Publishing IDM. 
  • Coffee. 
  • Production of dairy products and derivatives. 

Required capital: 

You can start investing in Uganda in any sector with a capital of at least $ 100,000, with the possibility of more than one investor in a company, which is considered reasonable compared to the amounts required to invest in many other countries of the world. 

Steps to establish a company in Uganda: 

  • Look for a name for your company from the Uganda Registration Services Office in the capital Kampala at a cost of 2000 Shilling Ugandan. 
  • Book the name of the company from the Uganda Registration Services Office in the capital Kampala at a cost of 20,000 Shilling Ugandan. 
  • Get the certificate or license of the Ugandan Registration Services Office in Kampala. 
  • Get the investor license from the Ministry of Investment in Uganda free of charge. 
  • Get a tax payment card from the Ugandan Revenue Authority for free. 
  • Get a dealer license at a cost ranging from 79,000 to 500,000 shillings from Kampala Capital City. Registration in the National Social Security Fund free of charge. 
  • The seal of the company was made by seal maker at a cost of 225 thousand shilling.

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