Working as a product marketing representative at a company may guarantee you a fixed salary you get by the end of the month other than a commission that may be a simple or reasonable rate, but you are required to have a certain number of sales so that you will not be subject to discounts and possibly redundancy. Of the time daily, and this is a good job in itself for young people specially, but doing the same work freely will probably guarantee you more profits with fewer hours of work, how? This is what we explain in detail during this post, so follow with us.
Marketing products of companies and individuals freely:
The idea of working on the basis of marketing products of companies and individuals in a free manner, meaning you are not employed by those companies or individuals, and therefore not obliged to sell certain quantities and you are not obliged to attend the headquarters of work from the ground, And orders, as you return to work freedom, work in a day and rest in the other or work every day or work for two hours or 3 hours or more, you are free. Of course, the more expensive the products, the higher the profit, even if the commission is normal (from 2.5% to 5%), so you can choose to market products that are not easy to sell to get a high commission and thus achieve Higher incomes may be more than double the number of marketing agents employed by companies.
The quality of products that can be marketed:
We have agreed that the marketing of expensive products ensures that you get big profits, even if the percentage is small or natural. Examples of such products (real estate, elevators or escalators, cars, equipment, marketing of import products for wholesalers, shops, etc.) (From 20% to 30% of total sales). Examples of such products (antiques, decorations, paintings, furniture, miscellaneous crafts, etc.) are difficult to market and sell in return for high commissions.
Identify employers:
You can search the city or the Internet for companies that sell high-priced products (mentioned in the previous point) and then you can conduct visits to those companies to hold meetings with responsible managers and offer them your proposal on bringing customers to buy their products in exchange for On the percentage of sales, and in the end you can deal with a company or two or more companies that give you a high commission with the factor of psychological comfort in mind. If you think of working with individuals instead of companies, you can search electronically and through personal relationships of individuals business owners and crafts to start communicating with them and offer them your suggestions on contributing to the sale of their products in exchange for commissions and here should not be less than 20% of the total sales price, People are not like companies, they do not have marketing staff or managers to make plans and they rarely sell their products.
How to work to conclude transactions and earn money:
After selecting companies or individuals and after the conclusion of agreements you can start work on visiting customers to persuade them to buy what you offered them products to get the commissions that represent you a big profit. Here's how you work,
Working on the marketing of third party products from companies or individuals may return you a lot of profit and gives you many advantages that do not enjoy the marketing staff of the companies, but not a condition that succeed everyone who chooses this work, as with the features, it requires skills Marketing and persuasion, fortunately these skills can be acquired by learning and practice, so work and read to increase your experience and with it your profits increase.
Marketing products of companies and individuals freely:
The idea of working on the basis of marketing products of companies and individuals in a free manner, meaning you are not employed by those companies or individuals, and therefore not obliged to sell certain quantities and you are not obliged to attend the headquarters of work from the ground, And orders, as you return to work freedom, work in a day and rest in the other or work every day or work for two hours or 3 hours or more, you are free. Of course, the more expensive the products, the higher the profit, even if the commission is normal (from 2.5% to 5%), so you can choose to market products that are not easy to sell to get a high commission and thus achieve Higher incomes may be more than double the number of marketing agents employed by companies.
The quality of products that can be marketed:
We have agreed that the marketing of expensive products ensures that you get big profits, even if the percentage is small or natural. Examples of such products (real estate, elevators or escalators, cars, equipment, marketing of import products for wholesalers, shops, etc.) (From 20% to 30% of total sales). Examples of such products (antiques, decorations, paintings, furniture, miscellaneous crafts, etc.) are difficult to market and sell in return for high commissions.
Identify employers:
You can search the city or the Internet for companies that sell high-priced products (mentioned in the previous point) and then you can conduct visits to those companies to hold meetings with responsible managers and offer them your proposal on bringing customers to buy their products in exchange for On the percentage of sales, and in the end you can deal with a company or two or more companies that give you a high commission with the factor of psychological comfort in mind. If you think of working with individuals instead of companies, you can search electronically and through personal relationships of individuals business owners and crafts to start communicating with them and offer them your suggestions on contributing to the sale of their products in exchange for commissions and here should not be less than 20% of the total sales price, People are not like companies, they do not have marketing staff or managers to make plans and they rarely sell their products.
How to work to conclude transactions and earn money:
After selecting companies or individuals and after the conclusion of agreements you can start work on visiting customers to persuade them to buy what you offered them products to get the commissions that represent you a big profit. Here's how you work,
- Target customers to clearly identify products and therefore provide yourself with the effort and effort of marketing to non-targeted customers and they will definitely not buy goods.
- Before visiting the target customer in his company or his place or place of work or his presence give him a brief on the subject, perhaps he does not want to listen or buy what you offer products and thus provide yourself with the effort and effort and time.
- If the client welcomes your visits, suggest that you set an appropriate date, so that no emergency visits may be inconsistent with their dates.
- Be sure to visit the client in the agreed time, preferably before your appointment several minutes, no more, no delay.
- It is essential that you are well prepared, showing your product and its specifications in a way that looks like chatting with a friend and not as a student reading from a book.
- If you succeed in persuading the customer to buy, you can set another date to accompany you to visit the company or deliver the product.
- Get your commission from the companies or individuals you deal with, and continue to work and make money.
Working on the marketing of third party products from companies or individuals may return you a lot of profit and gives you many advantages that do not enjoy the marketing staff of the companies, but not a condition that succeed everyone who chooses this work, as with the features, it requires skills Marketing and persuasion, fortunately these skills can be acquired by learning and practice, so work and read to increase your experience and with it your profits increase.