Sales representatives
have a lot of credit for the successes of most companies and projects,
whether commercial or productive or service, they do a lot of effort and
waste a lot of time in order to go to customers to persuade them to buy
goods or services companies that work for them, so they deserve the
money that And some deserve much more than they deserve, but this does
not prevent us from saying that there are common mistakes committed by
most sales representatives and they have to get rid of them to be able
to achieve more successes and money too, these common mistakes will be
presented at length.
Most common sales representatives mistakes:
1- Talk about the company's development:
A large number of sales representatives speak a bit of pride to their
target customers about the companies they work for. They have become
more developed and gained many customers during the last period and are
still trying to win more customers. They think that customers will feel
that the company is stable and its products are distinct and this is
Certainly, but there are other things that may also be causing the
company to lose to customers. Customers may think sales people
who speak in such a way are liars, and even prove that they are honest
and that the company is achieving good growth at the customer level, They thought that customer service would be bad.
Therefore, if the representative wants to talk about his company and
the extent of its growth on the level of customers actually prove that
and also prove to the client that the company has hired new staff to
serve new customers.
2- Company Success Story:
The company was established in 1990 by Mr. Mohsen. The capital invested
was simple but developed over time and increased the number of its
customers and expanded and became the owner of more than 15 branches at
the level of the state and its profits reached last year to 5 million ..
A story told by some delegates,
All of this information does not matter to the customer in any way and
does not need to be heard. All that is important is the product and its
presence. Sales representatives should not talk about the history of
their companies and their success story, but should talk about them in a
nutshell and focus on the products they sell.
3 - not to estimate the time of others:
Most salespeople
fall into a very common mistake unintentionally. This mistake is a
waste of time. When they visit clients, whether they are entrepreneurs,
procurement officials, or even ordinary people, they start talking
without putting themselves in a specific time to end up talking. What
happens is that Time is running fast and they are wasting their time and
Therefore, any delegate must set up a specific period of time, during
which he will talk about the producer, who has the characteristics,
characteristics and characteristics that show appreciation for the
privacy and time of others.
4 - insisting on selling to the wrong customer:
Too many delegates when they meet target customers and offer them the
goods or services of the companies they work for, they get a response
from customers that they are unable to buy because they do not have the
money and here there are no mistakes or problems, but what happens next
is that Sales representatives
begin by displaying the advantages of the products and the value they
will get if they buy them. This is one of the most common mistakes. The
customer does not need to hear the advantages and specifications of the
product because he does not have the price to buy it, even if it happens
and he hears it.
5 - cutting promises can not be fulfilled:
Most of the companies give to the delegates who work for them simple
salaries and commissions on sales, which motivates the delegate to make
some promises or offer specifications and advantages are not available
in the commodity to be able to complete the largest number of sales
transactions and ensures the acquisition of high commissions.
After the customer begins to deal with the product purchased and finds
that it has been deceived or the product and the product will act in a
manner detrimental to the interest of the company, either interrupts
deal with it definitively or lodge a complaint to the company or even
can be an electronic campaign or on the ground as a form of revenge This
has a very big impact especially since people tend to believe the
opinions of others, so owners of companies and factories must warn sales representatives
that the promises can not be made by the company or offer
specifications and advantages that are not available in the product for