lundi 27 mai 2019

Project Jeans Factory Detail + Illustration of Demand Size


You rarely find a jeans factory amidst a huge amount of small projects. Although the product is highly sought after, all the young and many men wear jeans in different periods of the year, and of course the reason is that our dependence on imports is greater than production. Importation is easy and profitable, but production is more Profitability and interest. The productive projects are working on the employment of young people and the provision of products to citizens at prices lower than the prices of products from abroad, and their owners are making more profits than many importers (there are, of course, huge importers who make huge profits). , And of course the project's jeans factory applies what applies to the rest of the other projects, you are targeting the creation of a productive project profitable, the project's jeans factory may be one of the most important options for its ability to achieve success and profitability, and to you all the details.

The size of global demand for jeans products:

  When you think about producing a product it is necessary to have a look at the market for this product, for example the demand may be high on this product at the moment but reports and statistics indicate that the demand volume will be reduced on this product Years Since there are other alternatives, you may find that there is a high demand for this product already but reports indicate that the demand will continue to rise, and of course in the first case it will not be a good choice to take advantage of the contrast project in the second case. Speaking of the current and future demand for jeans, reports indicate a rise in demand, followed by a statistic from Entrepreneur India showing the demand for jeans from 2013 to 2023.

Given the high demand for jeans products and the outlook for high demand, this is a positive indicator of the success of the project, but there are other indicators on the market must also be positive to ensure the success of the project, these indicators are (the size of supply in the market The target, the competitors and their prices, the opportunities that can be exploited) and of course we will not tell you these things because they differ from one market to another, but all we can provide you is to define how to prepare a market study.

How to prepare a market study:  

The method of preparing the market study for the project jeans factory is not different from the method of preparing the market study for any other project, and if you ask about the way, it is through the topic of how to start a special project and specifically in the third point you can know the way, Marketing Research Company to study the market and provide the results of the study to you in return for the amount of money you will pay to that company. If the results of the market study are positive, ie, the size of the offer does not exceed the size of demand in the target market, and the market is subject to the entry of new competitors, you can complete planning and work. 

Location and area of ​​the project: 

You can start a jeans factory on an area of ​​100 meters and you can start the project on a larger area, it is about the production capacity of the target of the project, if you target the production capacity of large will need a lot of equipment and thus more space, and vice versa. If you choose a quiet place but easy access to it, it would be better than choosing a crowded and difficult place to access. You are not establishing a business project to serve the end customers, but rather a production project to serve Merchants.

 License of the Jeans Project: 

After choosing the suitable location for the project (a commercial electricity meter is required), you can document the contract from the real estate month and then take the contract and your personal document and go to the Tax Authority to open a tax file, then go to the Commercial Register or Chamber of Commerce to register your project By the end of the procedure you will get a work permit, but first of all you must choose a suitable name for your project.

Equipment Factory Jeans Project: 

  • Sewing Machine.
  • Stitch machine series. 
  • Application Machine. 
  • Stain removal machine. 
  • Washing Machine. 
  • Cutting machine. 
  • Embroidery Machine. 
  • Electric iron. Roll cloth trolley. 
  • printer. 
  • Overlock machine. 
  • Logo Making Machine. 

Raw materials:

 The basic raw material used in the manufacture of jeans is cotton, but this cotton is put additions to it to become more durable as it is dyed in different colors and can of course be obtained from importers or local companies that are available, It can be obtained from local factories. In addition to these materials, the project requires additional materials called clothing accessories, which are zippers, buttons and accessories that need different designs. The project also needs washing acid and bags for packing. 

Stages of production: 

  • Examination of raw materials. 
  • Embroidery works. 
  • Wrap the cloth. 
  • Cut the cloth. 
  • Arranging and sewing cloth parts. 
  • Finishing works (washing, ironing, folding, packaging).  

Sales and Marketing: 

 The target customers of the Jeans factory project are retailers and their location varies by quality and value. If you rely on cheap products, your customers will be the owners of stores that sell popular products with cheap prices. Targeted to produce high quality products, your target customers are the owners of stores located in high-end locations and selling at high prices. As for how to market what is produced within the Jeans factory project, the main way is through personal marketing. This is done by assigning marketing agents to visit the target shops and market the products to them. Of course, you should have information about competitors products and prices to offer better products in terms of Quality and price are therefore easy to sell, and competitors' information is obtained from the market study of course. 

Feasibility study of the Jeans factory project: 

It is clear that the demand for jeans is high and will not decrease in the future, but will increase, and this is a very important feature, but does not mean to start the implementation of the project immediately, but must complete the market study to know the size of the offer and the most important competitors Prices and price differences between locally produced goods, profit margins achieved by producers, production capacity of your project and other matters. A technical study should also be prepared for the Jeans factory project to identify the specifications of the equipment that are commensurate with the size of the target production and the cost of purchasing it, as well as the location, rental costs, labor and other technical matters, and also prepare a financial study to learn about the cash flows, sales and expected profits. Five years of production. It is worth mentioning that (market study + technical study + financial study) are the main elements of the feasibility study, and the topic of how to prepare a feasibility study for any project you can learn how to implement it yourself.

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