Most people turn to commercial projects for their good profitability and ease of operation and their exports, unlike the industrial projects that may be the most difficult in terms of operation and management, although most of them make more profits than commercial projects, for example a clothing shop can make good profits and management easier , But the clothing factory project, although very small, wins more, but in turn needs more work, more effort and a lasting commitment. If you are not the biggest concern is comfort and your most important priorities are to achieve the largest amount of profits, the productive projects are the best for you, it is good to follow us in this post, where we offer a set of ideas and projects small factories profitable with capital ranging from 10 thousand to 20 thousand dollars, You may find the one that works best for you.
Small factories are profitable at costs ranging from $ 10,000 to $ 25,000 :
1 - Ice Panels Factory Project:
Ice sheets are a necessary product on which many food projects are based mainly on fish shops and restaurants, meat and poultry shops, tourist villages, hotels and food transport vehicles that are prone to heat damage. It is worth mentioning that this production project is capable of To achieve profits of more than $ 2,000 a month, but it costs about $ 25 thousand for implementation as a study of feasibility, and you can see them from here.
2 - Factory covers car:
Cover car is an important product and necessary for every car owner of whatever type or model, the cover protects the car during the stop from the sun and rain and from cats that occur scratches, as well as children who may be tampering with, and with the multitude of numbers Cars in the Arab World As a whole, the need for local factories to manufacture car covers is greater. A production project like this can sell a lot, especially with products that are in line with the quality and price of most car owners, but it does not cost much money to implement it. You can view the project and all its requirements here.
3 - Tissue Factory:
We talk in this post about the ideas and projects of small factories profitable and we can not exclude the draft of the manufacture of napkins among those projects, this project, although it may not exceed 15 thousand dollars at today's prices, but it is able to achieve And over time the product can be known to become a well-known brand and required in the market as many kinds to achieve more sales and profits. Here is a feasibility study of the project to learn about the requirements, costs and expected profits.
4 - Clothes factory (women and men):
The local clothing factories are spread in many regions, and the number of importers of clothing from China, Turkey and other countries, but the volume of demand is greater, all people buy clothes, but to varying degrees, there are those who buy in bulk There are those who buy in limited quantities, and the idea of creating a garment factory to offer a variety of products for men and women at appropriate prices and quality is likely to be the right ideas at the moment. Here is a full explanation of the details and requirements of a clothing factory for men and women.
5- Small factory for packing and packing dates:
Dates is one of the most important food products in the Arab world as a whole, which is very much required, so the idea of creating a small plant based on attracting the finest fruits and sorting for the acquisition of the good and the dimensions of damage and then clean the fruits actually And then packaged and packaged in bags or packages of cardboard, is one of the ideas of industrial simple and profitable at the same time. You can find out all the details and requirements of the project from here.
6 - Factory project socks "Tshrabat":
There are small factories profitable and profitability besides are characterized by ease of work and low costs, and the project of the manufacture of socks or rails is one of those projects, this project can be started with a limited number of equipment and can achieve high sales of the abundance and demand for Products. You can see all the details and requirements and how to operate it in the best form from here.
7- White Cheese Production Project:
White cheese is one of the highest demand products in the Arab world. Most of the studies indicate that there are no small plants developed technically and technologically. In our country there are either large factories that are based on large investments and produce high productivity or small labs that rely on traditional and manual methods, produce low productivity and their products are also unsafe because they are more polluted than products Its production is in large factories. Therefore, the idea of establishing a small laboratory, technically and technologically advanced, to produce white cheese is an excellent idea, because it will not require huge investments to be implemented and converted into an existing project, and it will provide medium and safe productivity. You can view all details and requirements of the White Cheese Production Project automatically through the project page.
We have previously presented several ideas and projects of small factories profitable at costs ranging from 10 thousand to 25 thousand dollars, which may be a few costs for those projects yield of revenue, but it is important to conduct a detailed feasibility study of the project on which you choose to be familiar with Market, production capacity, technical and financial requirements, expected revenues and profits. Learn how to prepare a feasibility study for any project easily and without any costs.