mercredi 29 mai 2019

Small projects for women (some with zero costs)


Women in our time need money as well as men. Some are responsible for entire families, and some want to participate in household expenses to ease the financial burdens of their husbands. Even unmarried girls want to raise money to spend on themselves and buy whatever goods and products they want without burdening their fathers , And otherwise there are women who have the money and want to invest in a successful way to increase rather than spend them uselessly. We have decided to dedicate this article to the presentation of small projects for women, some of them implemented from home and some from outside, and some can be implemented without capital at all and some require the availability of small or medium capital, and some of them require physical effort or Mental and some of them do not require any effort, the purpose is that the projects presented in this article are suitable for all women.

Small women's projects: 

1- Women's fashion design: 

Some women, especially married women and women, do not want to do business with girls or women like them. Therefore, designing women's fashion like dresses in particular may be a very suitable job for them. It does not cost any money and maybe a small cost in the case of getting a training course, and the same work can start from the house depending on one sewing machine with accessories and some other tools, as for the raw materials customers are buying. Let's say that learning to sew professionally and buy equipment to work will not cost you more than $ 1000.

2 - Karushia: 

The situation is not as it used to be, a lady working in Karushia to entertain herself in her spare time, but Karushia products are currently sold at high prices and ensure excellent profits for its employees, for example caps, shoes and children's clothes does not take much time to manufacture but sold At high prices, puppies and brides are also making good profits. Cardigans and women's pullovers also sell well and make good profits but take longer to manufacture. Therefore, the professionalism of the crochet business and the manufacture of various products and selling them through the Internet and friends and neighbors may guarantee you a good profit, and at an advanced stage you can open a small crochet gallery or even you can sell to shops. It is worth mentioning that the whole thing will not cost you money, you can easily learn through YouTube videos or with the help of a friend or even get a free course from those provided by women's associations, and for raw materials needed to work is needle and thread is easy to obtain.

3 - The sale of domestic food: 

Ladies Tahitians can manufacture the most delicious items of food from their kitchens, which are available only the equipment and tools in the usual kitchen, these women can use their abilities and the preparation of various varieties and sell under the slogan of eating clean and delicious home, which brings them a big profit.

4 - Women's trips: 

There are small projects for women that require only effort, and the project of organizing women's trips one of them, and it would be suitable for you if you are able to travel and exert effort in addition to possess a relatively large knowledge department, either the project is based on the planning of trips By selecting a coastal or tourist city, setting up a program, then calculating the costs and adding a profit margin of 20% or more and then setting the individual subscription rate, and then start marketing the program through your circle of acquaintances such as university friends and friends of the region.

5 - Dumpling stall: 

The project needs to effort and emptiness and capital ranging from $ 1000 to $ 3000, but in return to achieve excellent profits, especially if implemented in a distinct area such as entertainment or mall or street lively people come out daily, if you have the time and effort And money and want a profitable and prestigious project at the same time, the project dumplings stall may be the appropriate projects.

6 - Project Atelie: 

Atelier project to rent and sell wedding dresses is a very lucrative projects, the dresses are sold and rented at prices that provide excellent profits for the owners of villas, but it is a relatively expensive projects, the rent of a shop in the area of ​​Atelihat and equipped with at least 10 dresses may cost Will not be less than $ 10,000.

7 - Selling of cosmetics and tools: 

Meccan and makeup products are required of all women and girls, who owns the money to buy the finest and most expensive species and those who have money to buy counterfeit and popular types, so the idea of ​​trade in make-up goods and tools, whether imitation and cheap in a popular area Or goods of famous brands in an upscale area or within one of the malls may achieve excellent profits. However, the cost of the project, if implemented in one of the popular areas, does not cost more than $ 3,000, but its implementation in the second method requires more money, perhaps not less than $ 10,000.

8 - Selling women's goods on the instagram: 

As a lady not part-time or unable to get out of the house for long periods, electronic commerce may be the best solution for you, the sale of products for girls such as make-up or one-time dresses, or gifts and perfumes and other products An instagram may guarantee you a good profit, but it is important to spend some money to make ads to earn new followers for the sale account.

9 - The manufacture and trade of abayas hareemi: 

Abayas hareemi are very much needed, and it is known that they are sold at shops at high prices, perhaps twice the cost of manufacturing them, so the idea of ​​buying a quantity of cloth is enough to make 10 abaya with a specialized tailor and then selling the quantity to the knowledge, friends and parents at prices Less than the prices of shops may include profits up to twice the cost, to be returned experiment in larger quantities that succeeded.


Dear sister, We have previously offered 9 small projects for women or rather suitable for all women, some of which require the effort, including what requires money, and what requires skill, so choose a project that suits you carefully and plan well for me to implement it in a manner that will ensure you success.

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