samedi 18 mai 2019

The features of the small investor, know yourself !!

Many people want to invest their money and start looking for profitable ideas and then do feasibility studies to study these ideas and determine how profitable they are, but they ignore whether they qualify as small investors or not, the success of any project is linked mainly to the characteristics of his personal, It has the characteristics of the small investor, it will achieve success, after the reconciliation of God and study everything accurately, but if not available the proportion of success will be certainly small , even if he studied his project. Below we will show those features through which you can see if you are suitable to be a small investor or not.

 The features of the small investor

Features of the small investor:

1- Vision:

The entrepreneur or the small investor must have the visibility. Vision is the starting point or the driving force that drives the project to succeed.

2. Initiative:

One of the necessary qualities that must be available in the small investor is the status of the initiative. The entrepreneur initiates the goals and devises them efficiently and controls the situation and works to solve the problems that appear in his project over time with high efficiency.

3 - speed of intuition:

It is necessary to have a characteristic or speed characteristic in the owner of the project, prompt pace helps greatly to make decisions quickly and correctly in small projects, as decisions are not taken according to concrete facts only available information, but is taken in accordance with the experience of the entrepreneur and his sense of practical and momentary .

4 - Need for achievement:

When a small investor or entrepreneur feels that he needs to be successful, he will work hard and take responsibility and will be able to compete with competitors and achieve success. The need to accomplish three main characteristics is shared by all investors,
  • The desire to solve problems, achieve satisfaction as a result of achieving the objectives set above and prioritizing them.
  • Ability to take reasonable risks after considering all alternatives.
  • The need to return impact as a measure of its success.

5. Independence:

Many people have left their jobs even though they have been successful because they feel they need independence and work freely without being restricted to heads or managers. This is one of the important qualities that a small investor should have. However, he should not be someone who likes to control. Also to be a friendly person and delegate his powers to the most efficient, not to work alone to manage the project without delegating his powers or assign competent staff some powers.

6. RISK:

I know most of the readers in the field of business and finance that the entrepreneur as well as the small investor must enjoy the spirit of risk, but certainly carrying the unknown without his study is a path of madness and reflects the lack of experience and ignorance management, risk must be calculated and studied, because the more studied The risk has been properly calculated and has become less serious although it may seem to some neutrals that it is a great risk.

7- Carrying responsibility:

A small investor who always succeeds is someone who has the ability to bear the consequences of his behavior and behavior and does not blame others or external circumstances if he fails or has some losses. And to talk about this point from the reality that we live, we find that many small entrepreneurs and perhaps the owners of some companies blame when they failed to put the market or the circumstances of the country or even the desire of competitors to eliminate it, and these are all excuses of course and failure, but the result of wrong decisions The owner of the project must admit errors to correct them so that he can complete his career successfully.

creativity and innovation:

Traditionally, the management of the project is no longer worthwhile, even if the project itself is traditional. The competitors have increased their number, their methods and methods vary in managing their projects, and everyone is trying to differentiate from others in a way to increase their market share. If you manage your project without creativity or innovation In all aspects such as product selection, marketing campaigns and access to customers, competitors have been overwhelmed.


From the previous presentation we conclude that the small investor must have some features necessary to achieve success. These features are (vision, initiative, speed of mind, need for achievement, independence, risk, responsibility, creativity and innovation). If you believe that all or some of these qualities are available you are able to be sure to start your own project and with the Tawfiq God and study the project and know all aspects will achieve a lot of successes and profits, but if you lack many of these features it is necessary to develop your abilities to acquire those features Then you can start your own project.

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