of the American writers has conducted interviews with more than 100
million self-employed people. The self-professed mononer is someone who
has managed to achieve wealth with his own effort, not by inheritance or
profit in one of the competitions or what is young.
This writer concluded from talking with millionaires many things and
was able to detect many of the misconceptions that people think about
millionaires. This belief we offer part of it during this post and it is certainly important for you to read and benefit from it.
The most important misconceptions about millionaires
1- Millionaires are very smart:
The belief that we all think is that to possess two million or more you
have to be smarter than all human beings, this belief is not entirely
wrong in millionaires ordinary people like us try and make mistakes but
the difference between them and ordinary people they put themselves
plans and strategies they walk on and apply to themselves, Many
millionaires do not know how to read and write, and some global
statistics indicate that some of them were debtors but managed to
overcome their debts and created companies for themselves and set
successful plans through which they could reach all their dreams, but do
not think they are not in trouble,
They are in very big trouble of costs, insurance, etc. But they can
finally overcome them, all depending on the insistence on success and
correct thinking and non-despair.
2 - Millionaires favorite:
Most of us believe that millionaires have great luck, that they have
obtained wealth or have been rescued from the sky or found treasure. But
this belief is also wrong, since these cases are exceptional cases, not
the public. There are those who inherited a great deal of money and
become millionaires without effort. He did the work of these millions
with greatness and effort, and tells the American author when he talked
millionaire of the 100 millionaire who interviewed them, now that he
became a millionaire from the sale of motorcycles, how ?!
This person was initially destitute and indebted to more than one hand,
he made motorcycles, and went to the shops to sell them, went to 60
shops, but got the rejection of them all, and went to other shops to buy
a shop, and then returned the 60 shops who refused to buy But when the
question of the author when I got the rejection of 60 shops why did not
stop, he replied and said I would go to them even if they refused 300
times, or I would stop only when Getting accepted is what has already
happened, thanks to the insistence on success, No luck.
3 - millionaires live a life of luxury and luxury:
All of us believe that millionaires live a life full of extravagance
and luxury, but this belief may have come from the cinematic films we
see or some famous artists who do such work, but in fact this belief is
wrong. Most millionaires are keen on their money and investment until
they return to them more. They do not change their cars except when the
faults increase. One of the most famous examples of this is the
millionaire Warren Buffet, who still lives in the position he bought in
1958 at 31,000 dollars. Millionaires make only wise decisions that yield
a great return. M spend millions so be fully confident that they will return them double fold.
4 - millionaires inherited millions:
There are some millionaires who inherited money from their parents, but
there are those who squandered this money and there are those who keep
it, and there are others who do a very large fortune and then leave it
to birth, but there is Chinese wisdom, that wealth does not continue in
one family for more than three generations and proven This is in some US
statistics, where it was found that 86% of the millionaires of America
made their own wealth without the help of anyone, and there are many
stories tell the stories of the lives of some of the self-builders who
built themselves and maintained their wealth, although they began their
lives Mediounin There is no shelter, The strangest thing is that in some
studies and statistics that
It was pointed out that the ordinary millionaire (who inherited Mala)
loses every penny and becomes indebted 3.5 times during his lifetime.
5- Millionaires should not know fear:
Do not meet fear and millions together, you have to risk and try and
fail once and two, do not allow anything that stands in the way of your
success, the author confirms that the US 57% of millionaires interviewed
by them were initially scared at the start of their first project
afraid of loss and failure and they support their families and fear But
the author tells a very telling story about this position, which is for
"Anita Crook", who did not have the experience of anything in the field
of trade and sales and she did not like to refuse anything in any way
and was very scared when I went to a shop to show it Her goods were made
by herself but some were rejected and others were Ka
But when she refuses to meet, she comes out of the shop, bursting out
of tears, but after a time I discover that the times of acceptance help
her to accept the rejection times and meet the rejection with a broad
smile on her face and never allow herself to despair. You must risk
everything she has to succeed. Calculate all your steps before moving
one step and potential losses and whether the profit will be more than
losses or vice versa and then you can take the decision in the beginning
or not.
6 - millionaires earn millions per month:
Most millionaires work in more than one field, get their income from
more than one source and invest in their companies a lot of money to
become famous and very large and generate a very large profit until the
time of their harvest and they sell millions of money, millionaires most
of them follow the principle of one and that when they do The
investment of money must come to them more money and may be weakening,
and the presence of more than this source of income helps them to invest
a lot and which returns them the most money, but all this does not
happen coincidence or luck, but it is necessary to work hard and hard to
get All this money, there is some study T and statistics that 20% of all millionaires are retired, and 80% of millionaires know until the end of Ajalhm.
In the end, there is no impossible could be that the next millionaire did not ?!
The most famous of the new countries that saw millionaires - India,
China and Singapore and the richest billionaire in a third world country
- is Carlos Slim Helou, a Lebanese who lives in Mexico and is famous
for all those who know how to work and have the tools to do so. .