lundi 20 mai 2019

The reasons for the failure of the projects from the perspective of Paul Graham

Paul Graham is a programmer, investor and writer. He has been known for his work in the language of LISP software and for the establishment of viaweb, as well as his co-founder of the W-Companitor Project Incubator, a project incubator that supports and funds entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. From his experience in the world of investment, he managed to put his hand on many of the reasons that lead to the failure of private projects and our role we offer you to benefit from them.

The reasons for the failure of the projects from the perspective of Paul Graham

The reasons for the failure of the projects from the perspective of Paul Graham

Project Finance:

In the summer of 2005, when the visitors entered their site, they were offered to fund their projects through the so-called Y_Combinator (Business Incubator). He was able to get 8 small projects, all of which are related to the Internet. Of the 8 projects, half succeeded, But the failure of three projects of them, but with this failure they received and the loss they lose but did not regret the moment to pursue their dreams, and regret is coming from the many things they learned and they did not expect to learn in their entire lives, and one of the best eight projects is a project (Kiko) who was eliminated by Google after that DONC by applying the calendar (Callender), who broke their hopes after a year of work fatigue and hardship, but they sold it on the site they compared to a quarter of EBay million dollars was enough in order to pay their debts and keep them full year salary.

Paul Graham's Reasons for Failure:

Paul Graham thinks most of his time about what makes people flee and escape from starting to realize their dreams and why they do not choke in this matter, and found that there are 16 reasons for this thing:

1. You are small to start your own project:

Many people think this way that age is the determinant in this matter, but on the contrary, the main factor in this matter is mental growth, seriousness and self-confidence in hard work and diligence not only age, and this mental growth comes through experience and experience in the field you become After all Paul Graham's studies on this, he said that the best age for starting your own business is 27 years, but changed this decision when he met Sam Allen, just 19 years old. When Paul Graham spoke to him, A boy but wise at the age of a 40-year-old, found that the average yen The project is less than 27 years old and most of the 27-year-old majority of them did not succeed.

2. You have little experience:

Paul Graham once said that the right age to start your own business is at the age of 23 but changed his mind when he spent a year or two in jobs to gain experience, but changed his mind after seeing it. He said that the most appropriate thing to gain experience is to start your own project, If you are a little experienced in the field you want to work in, you should start this project because it is the fastest and most appropriate way to gain the experience better than the work of others, and Paul believes that work when others kill us in the ambition and lack of confidence in the self and then not to establish a story The success of you, Paul said his words affect everyone (Job kills the spirit of the adventurer And we become Paul, the best time to start your own project is after the end of the education directly, he sees that its success rate is small but the experience gained from it help you in the second and third project and then write a story Your success is among the other winners.

3. Do not have a good career:

Many of us want to begin to start his own project, but you should know at the beginning that the road is difficult and needs to be determined and will not tire, and if I read the stories of the successful will see that they were not tired of failure and have the will and will is very large and able to circumvent any difficulties in the way to success , And think as if they are rich and they are in the place they aspire to, that is why they are successful, so you have to have enough time to start the project and even reach what you want.

4. Not smart enough:

Do not need projects to supernatural intelligence, but you need to control things and how to manage and how to think about them, and the lack of anxiety and fear that affects your intelligence and therefore affect your decisions, so you must lead yourself to success by talking to some of the rich and learn from them and gain experience help you To take your decisions without fear or fear, you do not need great intelligence, but only treated as if you were smart enough to take the decision and reach the desired success.

5. Do not have sufficient experience in projects and business:

You do not have to be a person with a great experience in any particular field in order to start a project, just specify some of the basics that you should start the project, all you have to do is to care for customers and products, what you need to do is know how to get these products and how Marketing has how to sell them as a percentage of profit.

6. I do not find a partner:

One of the safety tools to starting a project is especially if the first time you start a project is to find a partner who will participate in the project. Paul Graham says you find it difficult to fund the projects with partners compared to being single, but you have to find a partner and noted that this is important to the extent If you do not find a partner where you are, go to another place where you find a partner, and the best time you can find a partner is at the time of the university where your friends are almost the same inclination and thinking. If you do not find your friends you can go to some exhibitions and conferences. Who shares the same hobby or field and advises Paul not to participate Ah Before you know it well, Paul's summary of this is that you should start your project at a young age where you will find a partner who is familiar with you and start with each other and reach the highest levels of success together.

7. I do not find the idea of ​​becoming a project:

It's not worth it, but it's not as bad as we expect. Paul says that 70% of the projects change their plan for the first three months, but the project requires some brainstorming and thinking with someone who is confident and able to help you. But you can initially look for something people need and are not available This is considered the beginning of the idea, as Steve Wozniak made and thought with his friend Steven Jobs and saw the need for the world in Apple devices.

8. Do not find a place in the market for you:

We always think inside the box and ask about the number of companies in this market and that there is no place for new companies in it, and we always ignore the growth of this market and the future needs it needs, we always believe that there is a limit to companies in the market and that the number of companies can not exceed this limit, And this is why we do not try to start the work of a company in this market, and also ignore that this limit variable and unstable, and the reason not to start this project that many of those who think about this matter are asking a lot how I will pay higher salaries for employees and this thinking is also within the box But if you always think outside the A fund will find many solutions. It is the number of companies that make their employees shares and their percentage of profits. Each employee has his own desire to work through them. These desires can be met in small companies because satisfying small desires generates greater desires.

9. I count his family:

This is a very influential factor in your youth time. Paul does not want to load you like this and start your own project, and eventually you lose and assume greater responsibilities. But Paul says this has solutions, including making some partnerships in emerging new projects, To work in consulting business that does not need to break out of the daily job, and when you collect some of the money and increase your returns from the advice turns the head of the family from employee to employer and manager.

10. Have a source of income Enffini:

Many people now think of a mentality since it has a sufficient source of income for Vitexel to start working on his own project and away from mental and nervous pressure. But Paul sees that the human psyche is not always comfortable but everyone must have a goal that he pursues and lives for.

11. Not willing to commit:

The project always needs 3-4 years to succeed. That's why Paul Graham says you have to be ready for this period to start your own business. That's why Paul does not start his own project because he does not want to be associated with anything for more than a few months, He also says that if you work in a job for someone, it will take a lot of time from you and it may be more time than you do in your own business. Why do not you invest this time in your own thing?

12. Need for clarity and security:

A lot of people like adventure, adventure and work in a fixed business that does not change and there are no pawns but there is no defect in this matter, but when you start your own project do not find someone who tells you what to do and you alone will become the decision maker and determine what you should "As long as the number of workers is less than 12, you do not need a manager to issue orders because everyone knows exactly what he is doing and does not need orders." David Beckham, a journalist for football, asked how the team The famous ball of Real Madrid which plays for him celebrities and professionals coming from a Thayer from 18 different countries, Beckham an individual that each player knows the role required of it well, and so do not need them to talk or orders with each version.

13. Fear of instability:

Many people do not want to run the adventure and start projects that are afraid of their instability where they are vague at first and do not know what will happen to these projects in the future, unlike a large company, such as Apple, for example it is what will be done tomorrow clearly, If you do not like adventure and mystery, then you will certainly fail if you decide to start your own business, but if you are optimistic about the maximum degree and wait for the worse, you will not be surprised. For one to blame you as long as you have done all your grandfather in the work of a project and got the failure in the Allen Haha, just try again and again to succeed and do not let anyone frustrate your ambition and dreams that you want to achieve.

14. Not knowing what to miss:

There are those who started their own project after they finished teaching directly, and there are those who worked in jobs, but the difference between them is that those who worked in jobs for a year or two and returned to the real world that we have held their determination not to return to this world again and to create a special project If you are a lucky person who find a job in the summer and graduated from it determined to find another job and work in it is certainly a person and the most important, the employers are always waiting for the employees of the summer to work less and this is completely different from the permanent job with a monthly salary, You provide many tasks to If you have already got a job, your skills will gradually begin to reach what is required of you, and you can not think beyond it now. You will feel very bored and your role is very limited, but if you work, In your own business, you can think about a lot of things and you are your employer. Do not take orders from anyone and you can work from wherever you want and whenever you want, when you are the employer you will want to do more work not to get much money but to expand your project and reach the highest levels You are successful, and if you are absent in your own business in front of the employee N they will say you dozed because of the great effort made but if dozed in the function of what is certainly not only get what is bad, such as discounts or can reach the Alrphi of functionality.

15. Fear of parents on children:

Parents always say to their children should be a doctor to become a doctor at the end and get a good job and work in the largest hospitals and become the owners of money and this talk a lot, but always find this person could not join the Faculty of Medicine or other colleges of the summit, and They often do not want parents to do their own project or venture, and want them to be employed in any job and take monthly salaries, but this is often not satisfactory to parents and this salary is not enough for this person, parents are afraid of their children from the adventure, Without an adventure there will be no prizes.

16. Function is the normal path:

Many think that a job is the normal thing to do for children who have parents working in the job too, and think that the only thing that can get the money is to get a job as previously, hundreds of years ago, everyone thought it was The only way we can get money is agriculture. Now we have a similar change in our way of thinking. The emerging projects raise interest for many reasons, not just to make money.

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