samedi 25 mai 2019

The success story of the founder of Domino's Pizza


Tom has lived a harsh life since a minor, where his mother died at the age of 4 of his mother's daughter and sister, who could not count them together, forcing her into a shelter in the orphanage run by Catholic nuns in Michigan. The love of the Christian religion and education, and indeed learn the religion and planted in the heart and studied until he was a monk, and then became a monk but did not continue very much as they were expelled from theology to disrupt the system.

His insistence on education:

He insisted on completing his studies in all possible forms, which forced him to work, diligence and diligence in a lot of work so that he could save money. He actually worked as a driver of a transport vehicle. He then studied a quarter of a semester and took many high grades. In 1956 he decided to join the US Marine Corps, where he worked for three years and graduated with honors in 1959. He required some money for his service to the US Navy and was able to save half of the money he earned. Ocean On the back of a military vehicle thinking about the recipient and the study and what he wants to arrive mechanism and how he wants to be.

Try again: 

Tom (Tom) tries to do my best to get the education that he planned, but unfortunately fails every time, as all the money that the group previously went to Sadi in a failed project created by, and several Tom joined the post After a period of time he bought a small shop selling newspapers and magazines and he started to run newspapers to his home in New York City. At the same time, he joined the university twice and every time he left because of the lack of money to go to university.

Buying the Dominic's restaurant: 

Over time, James told Tom that there was a pizza store for sale called Dominic's, and although Big Tom was excited about buying this shop, he was afraid to fail as he had failed the previous times and the money went sour Once again, he decided to involve his brother this time. Indeed, brothers agreed to share with them the purchase of that shop. All they had was $ 500 and they had to borrow $ 900 to finish the shop.

Naive (Tom) and (James):

When Tom and James bought the pizza restaurant, they did not know how to cook pizza and had no experience cooking pizza. The old shopkeeper and the teacher served them, a lesson that lasted for a quarter of an hour explaining how to cook pizza. They bought the shop, they did not consult a lawyer, they knew what laws they needed to keep their activity, not even the tax deduction as required by their laws, and then they divided the work. Tom wanted to work at night and Jimis work daytime, Jimis did not agree with him since he was working as a mail man delivering the answers to the The houses of which he did not want to leave.

James' sudden withdrawal: 

One day, James decided to get out of the partnership and leave the whole thing to his brother Tom, who did not have the money to give James a share but they owned the Volkswagen beetle they used (James). James left the restaurant for Tom's brother, but the first year was very laborious, since he could not afford to make a profit. He could not pay his dues.

Light of light :

After one day, when half of the staff was out of the restaurant, it was a week off. That was one of the most lucrative days of Tom's life. The university next to Tom's restaurant could not provide food The work pressure on that day was too large and Tom could not work alone. The choice was made by one of the two options. Either he stopped the applications and did not receive any other requests, either he was satisfied with the matter and he made a lot of effort, but he chose to make a lot of effort. Tom worked the pizza with 5 different sizes, but if he did all the work For sizes, it will take a lot of time. One of the machines pointed out that only one size of the pizza, which is the size of 6 inches, was a good choice. This size is less expensive than other sizes and more profitable compared to them. At the end of the night, Tom made the 9-inch pizza and Tom knew it was the first time he made it. Big profits after these nights.

The birth of Dominic's Pizza: 

After Tom achieved a lot of profits, he wanted to buy two other shops in the same city and he wanted to name them the same name, Dominic's, but the owner (Dominick) rejected this, so he thought (Tom) From that name, where the boy returned from the boys delivery once went to the mechanism and said that he found the appropriate name and new, Dominic's Pizza, Tom (Tom) by this name as the name close to the previous name refers to the parts of the Dominoz, which can be used as a trademark and already took this name As a new name for the shop and put three points of Domios in the beginning and it was referring to the number of thousand P, which was opened when the opening of another branch adds an additional point and has already taken a cut Aledumenoz as a brand and has been very successful, and also assist this name as an Italian name where the origin of pizza.

Unexpected success:

Tom's thinking was narrow, since he did not expect success to reach what was now, and he did not expect to be the most crowded store in town. The number of pizza sales in one restaurant was 3,000 pizza a week and the evolution Where he increased to 5,000 pizzas a week. The attention was paid to the details, which was in cooperation with his team, where he employed blind workers who only tasted delicious, and he also took the views of people who eat pasta and develop it again and again. Tom) Ali loved the big people and loved the coin team too, and he improved the quality of the B producer To add to the cost reduction.

Franchise is an important condition for the success of restaurant chains:

One day at the end of the sixties Tom attended a training course on the idea of granting commercial franchise rights to others. He was attending this training session. Many people showed up to get rich. He thought about this and wanted to exploit it. To the top of the success easily and quickly, but it had to initially provide a model that ensures excellence and success.

Strengths (Tom):

Of the most things that Tom was characterized by a lot of jealousy that was the delivery of applications to homes or people in their positions at a time did not spread this service a lot, wanted to develop this service and make it a milestone in currency, but required This is a lot of money, and it was the most appropriate time to put his company on the stock exchange where he gets the money necessary to develop this service and get what he wants (frances).

(Tom) and the broker:

One day Tom met a financial broker in Detroit and presented his idea, but the realtor did not care about this idea, because he saw it as a naïve idea because there are not many facilities needed for the quick and quick success of any company. And most importantly continue to grow.

Tom Hurry:

Tom has done everything from a broker to a huge increase in the number of branches from 12 branches to 44 branches in a very short time of just ten months. But that has a lot of drawbacks, as staff are vastly redundant and few do , But many branches have become far from the universities as in the previous, and the company's branches were known at the time overcrowding and lack of delivery, and began to receive the Franchise requests from (Tom), but was paying only when selling food, and did not go very long where he did all This is a very big loss, which reached 51% of his company to the lending banks.

Continuous Loss:

At a time when Tom was unable to do anything, he was forced to use an expert on these things and gave some advice and make some decisions to recover that loss again. He ordered him to do the pizza with less. Costs and raising the price of pizza and reduce the cost of delivery service, but on the contrary, this has done more harm than good. But 10 months after the failed trial of the expert, the buyers of the privilege began to sue for expensive reasons, forcing them to buy everything from the company, and because of the bad attitude that the company was being subjected to and discouraging everyone from bringing it back to the banks. Banks return management to (Tom) again. 

Tom's return to the department:

When Tom returned to the administration once again Saad some suppliers and business owners of this matter, Tom (Tom) to many of them and some suppliers to continue to supply the mechanism of some of them agreed on this matter, and went to many buyers of commercial concessions to retreat from the cases and claims filed Some of them agreed and some of them made a reconciliation with the transfer of commercial franchise for names other than Dominoes Pizza.

Frequent debt:

(Tom) at the time owed more than 1000 people and raised more than 150 people of them issues to sue their debts, Tom worked for about two years without rest and made a lot of great effort to be able to pay all these debts, and was Each branch has about 29 workers, many of whom have left their jobs, and two to three workers in each branch including Tom and his wife. After Tom tasted the taste of success at a certain time in his life, he wanted to come back again. He was not willing to announce the bankruptcy of his company, and despite the lack of money to appoint a lawyer to defend the cases filed by creditors, He used to defend himself, and he took the lenient sentences: to pay a certain amount of dollars a week for a very long time at a time when he did not have the money, and he needed to work a lot of time and do a lot of work. ) Old car work in all its own professional endeavors.

True success: 

Some of the creditors (Tom) generosity where the debtor of them to give up their debts, but in a short period exceeded one year only Tom was able to repay all the debts, and soon after (Tom) solved all the problems and returned to power again, The number of branches returned to a very large number of 300 branches, and the mechanism of reputation came back again and all the branches returned to work and to achieve a lot of profits, and wanted a lot to get the Franks again and exploit the commercial Alamata, but did not fall (Tom) in the same mistake the previous time but Setting the conditions for the Franchise, which is that the applicant on the Franchise to do the work In one of its branches for a full year and if good profit from this section and the administration correctly then the company's approval on its Lafranchez.

To continue with the correct success: 

It is necessary to implement any legal requirements of its own system, Tom established a company to finance these new conditions, and had lawyers preparing the contracts and reviewing the conditions and their validity, and because of the accuracy of the system and its validity proved to be successful as this system is considered the best system implemented in At the time, Tom opened his first branch outside the United States in Winnipeg, Canada, in 1980, and it was not long before he opened branches all over the world. In 1983, To 1100 branches.

In 30 minutes or for free: 

Tom's thinking did not stop at a certain point. He always wanted excellence and rapid development in the best possible detail. At one point, he created a catalytic service for customers, delivering the pizza within 30 minutes. Which was given to Tom a great reputation and very wide, and then the delivery times became less, but did not continue this service a lot as it affects the sometimes negative and canceled when one of the delivery staff shocked a woman in a red signal for fear of delayed pizza To the desired place was that in 1993.

Expansion of other areas of work: 

When Tom achieved a lot of fantastic and unpredictable profits, all the eyes were very famous and famous, but Tom did not stop at pizza work but decided to expand in other fields and activities. (The Detroit Tigers) and won the World Cup the following year for a reading that made people call him at the time (the pizza tiger). Tom did not just come here but decided to buy lots of cars, real estate and more. He bought 244 luxury and rare cars, as well as some farms around the company's main headquarters, as well Buy many ancient buildings, and then decided (Tom) to go to the debt and help where he decided to publish the Christian religion and help the poor in need. 

Other directions for Tom:

Tom has decided to build churches in all places outside and inside America and decided to participate in the abortion party of women in America, but he returned to it negatively in a currency where many supporters of abortion women in America have (Tom), then knew that his private and public attitudes would be detrimental to his company, so he thought of selling everything and branching out to spread the Christian religion only and help the poor and the needy.

Step down as company president:

(1989) Tom decided to sell a company and spend the rest of his life in the service of the Catholic Church, but he had to convince many that the company could be a hump, so he stepped down as head of the entire group, but sold The company lasted a long time and reached two and a half years, but it was a difficult thing to imagine, that the company Dominic's Pizza and after the arrival of all this success to fall again and actually happened unexpectedly, at the time that Tom (Tom) Pizza Hut has entered the market and has reached orders in less time and acquired the market in full, This was in the absence of Tom, who made it easier for Pizza Hut, and the company deteriorated until its debts reached half a billion dollars in 1991. Tom did not have to go back to save the company again and repay the debt for the second time in his life. 

Return to poverty:

When Tom was interested in Christianity and reading more and more, he knew from a book that he had read that bragging and exaltation leads to many sins and sins. Tom has done this before, and he is proud of this book. Selling all the branches of his company and dedicating his entire life to the Christian religion. Tom the purchaser, who bought all of his company's branches, reached a billion dollars from a person who also owned pizzeria called Caesar in 1998. Tom knew that he was a very generous donor, Many churches were built to serve the Christian religion and to establish ethics, as well as many other universities Yeh, which aims to teach the Christian religion. 

Birth and marriage: 

Tom was born in 1937 and began to be legitimate at the age of 23 in 1960. The first interview with his wife was when he brought her the pizza she asked for, and they gave birth to 4 daughters who had 10 grandchildren. In 2014, Son of a grandson (Tom Monahan), the number of Domino's Pizza branches now around the world more than 8000 branches and all of them achieve huge successes and imagination.

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