lundi 20 mai 2019

Why should the small entrepreneur work by himself

Many small business owners , whether commercial, productive or service, do not manage their own projects for lack of time or inability to do so and assign other people to manage and facilitate their projects and business, and in fact may succeed with large enterprises and companies where the recruitment of specialists and high-quality In the small projects may not succeed and may cause the loss of the small project and even it may extend to the closure of the project completely and for several reasons I will try to clarify it during this post.

 Why should the small entrepreneur work by himself


Why should a small business entrepreneur work by himself?

1. Understanding the market and customers:

If the entrepreneur works by himself, he will gain experience and skills and will understand the market and his customers. This is much better than hiring a project manager to understand all of this. He may leave this manager at any time or perhaps he will tolerate some things or perhaps exploit the knowledge he has acquired through the project to establish a work. Special.

2 - Security and stability:

As long as the owner of the small project works well, things will be stable and secure. There will be no concern that the manager will leave the project or abandon it at any time. If there are workers or employees, they will also feel more comfortable and confident, especially if the entrepreneur is an understanding person and knows how to handle With his staff in a professional manner.

3. Cost reduction:

The recruitment of an experienced manager may cost a lot of money and this increases the monthly operating costs and build on it the net profits drop for the project. In spite of all this, this manager may be a poor degree of efficiency and does not have a plan to develop and develop the project which reduces the profits more, either Of course, if the owner of the project himself to his management and he got the salary will be better for him and leave him will increase the profits of the project net Add to all that the owner will spend his efforts to learn and gain knowledge to be able to develop his project and increase profits.

4 - Save money:

You may have a bad luck and employ a manager who has no ethics and falsifies invoices or any non-ethical process to make personal profits for his account through your project and thus reduce the profits of your project to a large extent without knowing what the reason, but if you work yourself and watched everything that happens, Problems related to low sales and low profits are just normal problems and can be solved by modifying the products or changing the strategy of marketing and advertising.

Important note:

Many entrepreneurs are not full-time to run their projects and some do not have the qualifications or experience they need. They should try and humiliate their efforts. If they can not, they must be careful to choose competent managers. They should also follow their projects on a daily or semi-daily basis. Ali is aware of all the financial and non-financial resources, so that they gain experience and understanding without affecting the project and also so that there is no chance for anyone to steal or visit or carry out any illegal operations to make money through the project.

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