mardi 4 juin 2019

The success story of the Five Guys Burger Restaurant

Five Guys Burger is one of the most famous Burger restaurants in the world. It was founded in 1986 in the United States and belongs to Jerry Miller and the four daughters Jim, Matt, Chad and Ben, and thus they are the Five Guys, the five young men who named the restaurant with their father. The restaurant was one year old and had a fifth brother so the restaurant was called the number of children without the father. The restaurant has branches of more than one thousand branches worldwide and has branches in Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE.

Establishment of the restaurant: 

Jerry Miller and his wife decided to open the restaurant with a capital of 70 thousand dollars, the amount that was supposed to be paid to their children as fees for colleges, where their children chose to pay this amount in the establishment of the restaurant.

The success of the restaurant: 

The rapid spread of this restaurant over the past thirty years of several factors attracted by the owners of the restaurant and most important:

- This restaurant specializes in the provision of burgers, hotdogs and potatoes, and is famous for this restaurant that uses natural ingredients not frozen, but are only chilled until they remain fresh Therefore, the employees of the restaurant deliberately put the bags of fresh potatoes in front of customers when they stand for food and take them in front of them and empty the contents of the bag and are washing potatoes and peeling and cutting and put in front of them until the customer is sure that they are fresh and completely natural and this is called visual interaction with the sense of bass Which impresses customers.

- Five Guys Restaurant offers free burger with unlimited extras as per customer's choice, of course the price of burgers is prepaid with extras but the customer is attracted to a free word as it has a magical effect on people.

- All the branches of Five Guys at the level of the world the views of positive customers and awards received by the restaurant in a corner dedicated to customers to emphasize the love of the world to the restaurant and offers the best Burger in the world and praise it always and this also a great impact on customers and their attraction to the place.

- The restaurant offers customers specific options of food provided, which makes customers offer more purchases, unlike shops that offer options in large numbers, dispersing customers and reducing sales.

- There is no delivery service at Five Guys restaurant even if the president is so nice that once a sandwich was ordered to the US Pentagon and the restaurant refused delivery, insisting that the restaurant policy refused delivery service.

- 100% peanuts are processed on all orders from the restaurant, so they serve two peanuts for customers to eat while they wait for their meals.

- One type of Mayonnaise is now used in all branches of Five Guys restaurant worldwide after testing more than 16 types of mayonnaise.

- Five Guys has resorted to a simple marketing trick: making the list of burgers heavy and expensive and luxurious. Many marketing studies have shown that the use of heavy and luxurious papers makes people look better in the quality of paper and service.

- The famous video blogger Daimon Patterson, known electronically as Dame Dropps, made a video about his experience at Five Guys restaurant and about the restaurant in general, which led to an increase in the popularity of the restaurant.

- As a result of the reputation of the famous restaurant and the good echoes of people's experiences of the restaurant and taste of the combination of irresistible Burgers became former US President Barack Obama one of the most popular customers of this restaurant.

From the above, we conclude that Five Guys Restaurant is one of the most famous restaurants in the world. It is popular not only because of the unique taste, but because the owners have an amazing marketing mentality until the restaurant reaches this international status.

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