mercredi 22 mai 2019

Farah Gray's Success Story "The Little Millionaire"


"Farah Gray" American child, black color, at the age of six Umrah was a nation working day and night and find and strive to support her family and she was sick and when he slept and wake up see her work also never rest, decided to help her thought in some work and finally implemented a certain idea And the sale of bottles cream skin for a dollar and a half of the package was every customer from neighbors and companions and when he reached the age of seven years of printing card and written by the director of the twenty-first century and when he reached the age of fourteen years of age had achieved the first million of currency, and in this post we will list All the events he has experienced in his life and how he became a millionaire in detail.

Nation's disease:

A nation suffered a heart attack for the second time, decided to "Gray" help and must do something to save the nation of this disease and also trying to respond to some of the vapors and the other two sisters, and always worked, although the area where they live full of sellers Drugs, and all these difficulties that have passed through the illness of the nation and jealousy of the difficult things have not only increased the determination to succeed and lift the whole family to the living standards of the high and in an area other than that they now inhabit.

Gray trade:

Gray is always known that bulk buying and selling in the sector earns the desired profit. This is learned from the drug dealers in the area where he lived. Gray defines a teacher who always guides you to the right. You can make a profit of $ 50 today, you can one day achieve a million, and in a small game was not known, but his life was all serious and hard. When he wanted to put a box to buy the goods that he bought wholesale and then sold by the sector was unable to provide this fund, A school-based fund for a private business portfolio, and also to appear as a man of the traders' workers Htervan borrowed from his brother tie its own cheap.

Virility "Gray" at a young age:

he asked Gray one day to give a sermon, so he took training on his family where, as his grandmother says, you were not a small boy but a small man, and was a man a scientist or professor in the sermon to them, At the age of 8, he decided to help the children of the poor neighborhood in the city of Chicagawa. He decided to establish a business forum for them, and through it he received donations in cash and in kind, and in kind donations that were obtained by pictures of the successful people of the poor city and cash in the form of money benefiting the children of the neighborhood.

Gray's insistence on success: 

Gray collected $ 15,000 in donations and followed a very good approach. He told me five people could agree. When he went to anyone to sell what he was selling he got rejected and got rejected many times. But he did not despair and meet this refusal with a welcoming heart, and every one who refused to ask him to guide the five could buy what he sold.

Gray improved his mind: 

Gray thought that all the money he had collected from the fund would be invested in the soft drink and dessert project, but he could not harvest, and then a lot of people changed their minds and decided to move to another city and end up in Las Vegas. , And when the boy completed the 10 years of age I smiled a little life as I am hosting in a radio program, and this was because of his great experience and good speech and speech.

"Gray" fame:

Gray was appointed on a radio program from the most famous radio programs on which he had previously hosted. The program listened to a very wide audience of 12 million listeners, and two years later Gray had a special radio program He demanded all magazines, radio stations, television and newspapers to deliver speeches, and he made a profit in every sermon he delivered from $ 5,000 to $ 15,000.

Gray's great success: 

Gray wanted to invest money in a project he had already worked on, which is where he was always encouraged to cook. That's why at the age of 13 he decided to set up a food company in New York City, But before the implementation he had read a book on how to market for such projects, the page by page after the other on the legitimate, and then Gray put the soup and put in a bottle and sent to a canning restaurant, and did not stop at this, but the search for experts and scientists in this area you learn them all Big and small about that area, and at the age of 14 years transformed the poor boy Asmar into a millionaire, where she achieved Up to a million and a half dollars sales of hip.

His help to young people: 

"Gray" did not limit himself to all who reached the mechanism, but decided to establish a company selling prepaid phone cards, but he worked in the field of art as he produced a program directed to adolescents and bought a magazine, and provided a comedy program successful successful, The commercial business of personal gain only, but decided to establish a charity through which to help young people to start working in trade and achieve personal profit for themselves.

His fame and his meeting with politicians and US President:

"Gray" did not stop working when he was young, but he went on trying once and twice until he was accepted. After all this success, a mechanism came to join the membership of the chambers of commerce and was awarded a scholarship for three years A 15-year-old Umrah. President Bush has asked for a meeting and an invitation to increase the US Congress and become an honorary member of the trade councils.
Not only that but decided to write in writing Do you want to become a millionaire? There are some steps you can take to become a millionaire in a small time,

  1. Can be rejected with an open mind and do not despair even after 100 attempts. It is always said that the beginning of success is the failed steps. 
  2. Collect all that you can from guides and scientists around you and try to benefit from them as much as you can. 
  3.  Always be with the current, but specify for yourself where you want to go and what you want to do in this way. 
  4.  Never despair and always be convinced that you can fail once and twice but always try to stand after falling. 
  5.  Make your time as a whole you are excellent to develop. 
  6.  You should treat your customers and customers with sincerity, honesty and broad chest. 
  7.  It must be a strong network of relationships and never underestimate it. 

This book has been sold very much and has earned the admiration of many famous figures in the United States, including US President Bill Clinton, Pierre Solton and Mark Victor Hansen.

He is currently working in the field of real estate and received an honorary doctorate for all his work and appreciation for his successful history.

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