lundi 20 mai 2019

Investment opportunities in Sudan


The investment climate in any country is linked to political stability and to the ability of the country to attract the necessary capital to invest in its natural resources. God has blessed us with diverse natural resources, vast fertile lands, rivers, abundant rainwater and abundant groundwater. "Sudanese Minister of Investment on investment in Sudan."

What makes the Sudan worthy of investment are those advantages that the Sudanese government grants to investors such as tax exemption for some fields, granting land at encouraging prices, concluding agreements between the state and individuals, and the existence of markets and free zones. Sudan is one of the most agricultural countries rich in agricultural crops and livestock, which facilitates the establishment of many projects, and investment in any capital, in addition to the presence of water of the Nile. Sudan is a fertile land for investment because of the severe shortage of infrastructure due to the political conflicts experienced and lived since independence. Sudan suffers from lack of electricity, mobility, expertise, and trained labor. It is suffering from almost all the necessary deficiencies to provide a decent and advanced life for the state, but with the efforts of the Ministry of Investment after a long absence of planning and full studies on the possibilities of Sudan investment, but today and after the strenuous efforts exerted by the Ministry of Investment to guide the efforts in its appropriate places and to know the world of Sudan's investment potential, Of the most fertile and literally fertile land for investment.

The fields of investment in the industrial, animal, agricultural and service sectors are available.

Investment opportunities in the livestock sector: 

Sudan is one of the main exporters of meat, where Sudan has a huge animal wealth estimated at 106 million head for the year 2015 divided into:

(cows 30.37 million head - 40.21 million head - goat 31.22 million head - Apple 4.80 million head) .

 In addition to the number of 46 million heads of poultry, and about 110 thousand tons of fish stocks and aquatic life. All thanks to a stable food base and integrated medical care.

Meat production: 

The national herd provides self-sufficiency for countries and increases the export of red meat. The meat industry contributes to the achievement of added value and out of limitations, and helps rapid social and economic growth. There are about 5 companies producing about 20 tons per day, which helps in internal compliance and increase the issuance. Because livestock are not only meat, they can invest in leather, dairy, and feed.

Leather Production Field: 

Sudan has about 121 agencies and stores, 27 tanning tins and 21 leather products factories. The country's tanning capacity is about 24 million pieces of leather (sheep / goats). Sudan has the largest artisanal sector of its kind in Africa, where artisanal tanneries are estimated at 300,000 pieces of leather and 3 million small leather items, including wild animal skins, most notably reptiles targeted at trade. Leather accounts for second place in livestock exports, with a value of $ 35-40 million. It is also characterized by the continuous demand in the global market for the strength of its fabric and large area. The leather industry also works to achieve value added.

Dairy industry: 

Among the most important dairy products are also dairy, there are a large number of breeds of cows that can be improved to increase production, and increase animal health care. Sudan's dairy production is estimated at 7,424 million tons and is available for consumption at around 60% of the production component, ie about 4.5 million tons. There are about 14 dairy factories with the latest international standards for self-sufficiency and export in the future.

  •  Large markets form a very suitable place. 
  •  Near populated residential areas. 

Field of feed trade: 

The most suitable sites for the establishment of molasses and urea plants are the areas where there are sugar factories such as Kenana, Asalaia, Al-Junaid, and Snarwalnil White, while the most suitable sites for the establishment of concentrated feed factories are the cities near the crude production sites such as Khartoum, Kassala, The production of green fodder in the states of Darfur, Blue Nile, Kordofan and the northern states.

Veterinary services: 

The field of investment in veterinary services is one of the most important investments in Sudan because of the existence of this large livestock, which is one of the most important resources of the country, locally or globally, must be excellent medical services for animals through:

  • Centers for the improvement of breeds. 
  • Work on new vaccines. 
  • Availability of medication. 
  • Building hospitals, and specialized animal clinics. 
  • Availability of transportation service to remote places where it is difficult to have hospitals. 

Such services must be in places known for raising cattle.


Livestock exports to the Arab Republic of Egypt are estimated until November 2015:

  • Livestock exports are 216,025 heads. 
  • Exports of meat 1374 tons. 
  • And contributes about 20% of GDP. 

Investment opportunities in the agricultural sector: 

There are two main sectors with future investment opportunities: 

I - Modern irrigated sector: 

  •  Depends on Nile water in irrigation, seasonal valleys, rivers and groundwater. 
  •  The estimated area available for investment in this sector is one million of fertile mud lands. 

The statistics and studies of the current agricultural production indicate that Sudan has high comparative advantages in the production of a range of field and sustainable crops in the irrigated sector. The most important are the following:

1- Oilseeds: 

Sudan has high comparative advantages in production Cottonseed, peanut (pistachios), sesame, sunflower and other oil grains to suit climates and low production costs.

2 - Sorghum: 

Sorghum is one of the crops that Sudan has in its production experiences and high expertise, especially as the food crop of the rural population.

3 - Maize: 

Although Sudan 's recent experience in the production of this crop commercially, Sudan has been able to get samples open. However, the comparative advantage of Sudan is the appropriateness of the climate for its cultivation, the existence of fertile clay lands and the abundance of irrigation water, making it possible to cultivate large areas of up to 100,000 hectares and produce them ready for export.

4 - Rice: 

The growing demand for this crop at the level of COMESA countries and Arab countries gives this crop special importance for investment, especially as Sudan has valleys and lowlands (Khiran) White Nile State, an area of ​​35 thousand hectares are flooded annually with the waters of the White Nile has been prepared area 3 thousand hectares for the cultivation of this important crop and achieved productivity of a hectare (4-5) tons / ha.

5 - Qawar: 

A grain crop recently entered Sudan and proved a great success, prompting the Sudanese private sector to establish a plant for the sorting of parts of the grain of grain, which is the outer part of the animal and the middle part is a gum Alguar and the inner part is in the form of butter enters the industry of sorghum bread As well as other uses of this crop. This is a lucrative crop and has a good market especially in African countries that are not suitable for its soil and its climate for growing wheat.

6 - Investment Gardener: 

Sudan has fertile land and climate suitable for the cultivation of many horticultural crops, and can be divided into:

A / areas of abundant rain where oil palm plantations, papayas, mangoes and guava, where the territory of clay high fertility.

B / The mid-rainy areas are suitable for a range of fruit crops topped by mangoes, grapefruit and bananas, with light mudlands extending along the Blue Nile, Doba and Sennar areas and even south of the island state. Horticulture crops are mainly cultivated in the Nile and northern Nile states where their climates are suitable for palm growing, citrus, grapefruit and mango. A variety of vegetables, legumes, potatoes and melons are also cultivated in these lands for the winter cold. There are distinct areas in the Sudan and specialized in the production of certain fruits such as the region of Abujaheh in western Sudan (South Kordofan) is famous for the production of mango and planted on the banks of fertile valleys, taking advantage of shallow groundwater. The Jebel Marra area also has Mediterranean weather, where mango, near fruity, potatoes and onions are found. Horticultural production is a very promising field and has diverse Arab and European markets.

II - Automated rainwater sector: 

Exploitation of clay plains in Sudan. Which amounts to more than 20 million hectares and receives an average annual rainfall of 400-700 mm, which is sufficient for the success of planting a range of important field crops. Sudan has three main locations for this production pattern, which is characterized by low capital cost. These areas are:

A / Eastern Sudan Gedaref region where the cultivation of sorghum, sesame and concubine The region is famous for the production of white sesame low bitterness, which is suitable for a group of food industries.

B / Southern Kordofan region: Hibila, fertile and flat clay plains with rainfall (500-700 mm), with sorghum, sesame and sardine crops, and large-scale investment opportunities available.

C / The Blue Nile region: Damazin city and surrounding areas, heavy clay lands with an annual rainfall of more than 750 mm. It is suitable for planting sorghum, sesame, sunflowers and fountains, and there are now large areas for investment. The techniques used now depend on complete mechanization of soil preparation and harvesting, but the sesame crop still faces the problem of dispersion of seeds at maturity. However, Sudan has overcome this problem well by developing samples that open their villages 2-3 weeks from the date of maturity.

Investment opportunities in infrastructure:  

Hospitals, treatment centers, universities, institutes, schools, means of transport, and everything related to the community directly.

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