mercredi 29 mai 2019

The success story of the Sudanese billionaire Mo Ibrahim


Muhammad Fathi Ibrahim (Mo Ibrahim) was born in southern Nubia in northern Sudan in 1946. He did not complete his life there. He went with his family to northern Egypt where he studied there and took the secondary school. He was from the first high school and President Gamal Abdel Nasser was superior He then studied in the Faculty of Engineering at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Alexandria University and graduated from it. He then emigrated to England in 1974 to complete his studies where he obtained a master's degree in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Bordford. He did not end there, PhD in Communication Naga He worked at a British Telecom company (BT), and since he was one of the most distinguished workers, he moved from one position to the next as the technical head of the new mobile communications division. Time, and then decided to set up his company.

An idea in the youth stage:

His story tells me when he was young and he said, "I'm a little boy. I've been to a lot of countries with my family. I was very interested in international trade. I always have a great passion for following the news of European investments in the African continent. When I was in the last year of my studies, It is certain that Africa is the playground of adventure and profit, but I have not received this certainty until after another story that a Spanish study colleague has announced that she wants to marry a Dutch self-confidant she met on her trip to Africa and that this man has made a fortune all in Africa after He arrived with enough money for only one week, but Managed to establish an empire in just five years.

After graduating: 

After Mo Ibrahim graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, he worked in several jobs for a period of up to ten years, until a certain day came and read an article about how a mobile phone can enrich the lives of people living in distant remote areas. In explaining the amount of time and wasted effort and energy wasted groups of people that do not have any means of communication audible reach distances beyond those that are interrupted by the voice of the human, an example of this when people go for a very long time to interview but did not occur this interview because of not identify the right place for interview or For some other reason, he returns to Pete once again Nie repeats the same process on another day until the interview between them, all this while the phone call Cafe to provide all this effort and energy expended for an interview, and tells Mo Ibrahim in the end that this article made it focuses more on the field of mobile communications.

The conflict between advice and implementation: 

In the 1990s, the conflict was finally over to get license to set up mobile networks in the East and West, but no one wants to enter Africa for its poverty. Mo Ibrahim decided to introduce mobile networks and mobile phones to Africa, Which experts and consultants advised him not to do so because if you skip government requirements you will have to lend people to buy your mobile phone so they can use your network, but despite all this Mo Ibrahim insisted on introducing a telephone network to Africa.

Establishment of his company:

Established in 1989, Mo Ibrahim founded MSI in 1984. He has been successful in providing consultancy and software for mobile communication solutions. He has achieved great success as he has worked with leading international telecom companies. Mo Ibrahim has always been an effective and successful customer. He advised a client of one of his mobile operators to apply for a license to set up a company in Uganda where she was asking for technical help to achieve this goal. The lack of landline networks in African countries meant there was no competitor to any mobile operator.

Expansion of the establishment of companies: 

When the customer refused the advice of Mo Ibrahim to apply for the opening of a mobile telecommunications company in Uganda decided to take this step and so he set up a new company of the consulting company, which was founded by and was still managed, and when the company began in Uganda began the number of small workers arrived And when the company started its name was MSI-Cellular in principle and after a period of conversion to the name of Cel-Tel, but the capital needed to set up this company was very large, exceeding the $ 16 million and with So he worked hard but he was facing the obstacles of k It is seen that the most important was not friendly experience in the management of companies and established it was just a consultant only a technical expert technician, but he faced all this despite the instability of life in Africa, coups, corruption, bribery and many other reasons.

The challenges of Mo Ibrahim: 

It is known in the world of mobile communications that the amount of $ 16 million is very little, but this amount was enough for the first year of the life of the company, where in the first five years needed to investments up to $ 415 million, but Mo Ibrahim met many challenges At that time, the first one was to build trust. He did not establish a mobile communications company before, and for that reason many customers did not trust him, neither the investors nor the government to obtain the necessary company licenses, but there were also strong points. Any competitors in the market in the same field had a telecom market He said his uncle exactly where he reached the African telecom market growth rate of 63% yearly to a very large proportion compared to any industry or trade growth continued for a period of consecutive years.

The beginning of the company: 

At the beginning of the company Mo Ibrahim faced many obstacles, including how to convince Africans to buy a mobile phone and recharge his balance from the private telecommunications company while the incomes of individuals is very little while the whole world is racing to buy the latest mobile phones, but this was in favor In the beginning, Mo Ibrahim started with cheap techniques that helped him start the company with the capital he owned. This was compensation for the sale of communication lines on monthly contracts. The sale was only for pre-paid cards. Since all Africans were at that time small and not enough to buy a mobile phone One person was buying a phone The family of each of them, and this also helped the continuation of the company and its success.

Increase Investment in Cel-Tel:

Cel-Tel started in Uganda and then started to expand as it entered other African markets such as Gabon, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Congo, but this expansion required countless amounts and more concentration and more effort than Mo Ibrahim. At the time he owned two companies MSI and Cel-Tel. He decided to sell MSI and invest his stake in the sale of this company at Cel-Tel, and when he enters any country where he puts a fingerprint that no one can put before and does not tell about it in books or blogs, Congo did not have a reliable road network and Sierra Leone's civil war was on fire at the time the rebels seized the capital Endowed Cel-Tel company, including but when the United Nations came with its army company returned again as each party wants to communicate easily with each other and for that reason was not exposed to any of the parties to the conflict to a communications network Cel-Tel towers because they need it.

The integrity of Mo Ibrahim: 

Some of the bad morals spread in these African countries at the time, and most of them were bribery. Mo Ibrahim refused to deal with bribes, but he dealt openly with all the people. This worked on the reputation of his company and his clients' trust in it and thus increasing the profit. To all its clients. It has built schools, hospitals and clinics, also provided training for clients, developed many people and helped many of the disadvantaged to learn, build and develop themselves, although all this required more money for the company, Number of customers In 2004, the company's customers reached 5.2 million subscribers in 13 countries. The annual revenues of these companies amounted to $ 614 million, with a net profit of $ 147 million.

Selling Company:

After the huge success of the company, but the expansion that took place required pumping a very large amount of money as the company started looking for loans from the money, but when found a bank to borrow Mnh had conditions and is subject to the assets of the company in return for payment of this loan Mo Ibrahim Ali Due to the large size of the loan, Mu Ibrahim thought of another method of profit, which is to put the company's shares on the stock exchange. When this company learned most of the other companies, Mo Ibrahim received the offers from the owners of these companies. In 2005 for the company Zain for $ 3.4 billion was the share of Mu Ibrahim $ 2 billion of selling.

But Mo Ibrahim did not forget the country that helped him reach all this success and progress. The billionaire Mo Ibrahim became good and helped the African countries to develop themselves as he led some words to work to repay Africa that helped him achieve this success.

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