mercredi 22 mai 2019

Uber success story


Uber is one of the world's most powerful companies that has revolutionized the world of transportation and communication. It is a US based multinational transportation company based in California and is located on the Internet through its own application on smart phones that allows its users to request delivery anywhere by directing Uber drivers who use their cars The company's services have been deployed in more than one country in the world, making it the focus of many people and a model for success in innovative and unprecedented business.

The idea of ​​implementing Ober Taxi: 

The two young men, Jarrett Camp and Travis Kalanick, one of whom is American and the other Canadian, founded the company Ober, which was established by the application of Ober Taxi, which became the company now by chance purely by the fact that in 2009 was Camp and Calanek were returning from a business trip. They were waiting for a taxi to take them from San Francisco airport. They soon came up with the idea of ​​connecting cabs and people wanting to move around the town to facilitate passenger transport until they created the application, Dah "Ryan Graves," which is one of the architects and database developers, and he worked at General Electric Company.

Deployment of the application in America: 

The partners used the initial capital to operate the project amounted to about 200 thousand dollars, which arrived after one year in 2010 to 1.25 million dollars and launched the service of Ober in New York, which began three cars traveling throughout the state until the project began to spread in America until In 2012.

Global Launch:

After 2012, Ober began to spread in more than 50 countries and 300 cities around the world. Uber was able to reduce the unemployment rates in many of the countries where it was deployed, and also save a lot of time for people who relied on regular taxis and long waiting periods Uber has also become a multinational company in terms of capital sources.

Obstacles still faced by Uber:

Ober's services have reached the Middle East recently and many obstacles have been encountered in applying the same thought in the Arab countries through companies that have a brand name but have nothing to do with the main company. Of the country in the world by the category of taxi drivers and the activities of the company and the presence of Uber to dispense with the presence of millions of millions of taxi drivers to the streets and made anti-op demonstrations and policies and presence so that it came in some countries to sue Uber by drivers and government T also.

Important factors that made people prefer Uber services: 

  1.  The organized way in which Uber operates and its application. 
  2.  Offering different offers on passenger flights, making them at the forefront always. 
  3.  The use of modern technology in the organization of trips and the application of many aspects of customer service. 
  4.  To achieve the security aspect of the trip and control until the end. 
  5.  The existence of taxi sharing services with another passenger. 
  6.  Uber provides freight transport services. 
  7.  Uber provides catering and delivery services to customers. 

Uber is a model for adopting creative ideas and introducing innovative projects based on the principle of positive risk, whose success is guaranteed at this time.

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