There are many responsibilities that the
owner of a new project is committed to and must take into account. It is
your duty as a business leader to study the project that you claim to
be well and examine all its aspects in detail and know what to do and
arrange your priorities and help to avoid many of the problems that It
can happen later because of mismanagement and so on. In this article, we
will identify together a number of responsibilities that you have as a leader.
In the beginning, it should be noted that some of the responsibilities
that will be mentioned in this article are classified as legal
responsibilities. It is not intended here that any entrepreneur should
know all the laws and regulations, but the intention is to be aware of
his project and the procedures to be taken.
Responsibilities of the business leader :
1- Taxes:
The tax system is one of the most important problems facing small
businesses worldwide. At the beginning of your project you will be
charged some of the tax burden of the sales tax and value added
tax when purchasing products or services from other companies and
income tax for employees of the company and taxes for customers and
employees, There are taxes that the project itself to pay, which is the
taxes on profits and is calculated on the basis of the profits achieved
by this project and borne by you as a business leader.
2. Licenses and Permits:
After processing the project, the investor or the owner of the project
must contact the concerned authorities to issue their licenses and
permits until they are registered as an existing project and carry out
activities under the law. Therefore, you may need to obtain these
permits from several agencies or the ministry concerned with the
activity of your project. On the terms of registration of the project in
the competent governmental bodies in order to ensure continuity of the
project without problems.
3. Insurance:
The insurance clause gives your project some financial safety against
various types of accidents. It is wrong to do some small projects by not
and arguing with high costs, but it is an important factor that works
to protect your project against exposure to risks and examples of
insurance in different projects:
1 - insurance for your person as a leader and your employees against accidents, for example.
2. Insurance against theft of goods, goods and stores.
3. Insurance of the project property against fire accidents, for example.
4. Employees:
What you should do as your employer is to fulfill all the obligations
towards them as an employer and to know their rights and duties well and
be aware of the labor laws, the specified hours of work, minimum wages,
vacations, occupational safety procedures, sick leave and so on.
5. Bookings and records:
Where there are records and books mandatory for any project for its
work, which is to prove the accounting operations that took place in the
project and the books and so on, which organizes work within any
project and helps the entrepreneur to understand every large and small
in the project and predict profits and losses.
We conclude from this article that there are many responsibilities that
any entrepreneur has to take and he should study them well as one
aspect of the project to achieve more profits and ensure the stability
of employees and create a good working environment based on mutual
respect between both business and governmental bodies on the one hand
and between employees On the other hand.